Sunday, September 30, 2007

Last Sunday

Today is probably the last Sunday I'll have to feel down and out. Cause maybe exams will soon be over and about next year... see how first lah.

I'm sorry I've to say this, but I always feel like shit on Sundays, looking ahead and I see a weekful of work, stress, problems after problems, sometimes I really wished i had gone to a poly instead, don't know what made me choose a JC education. Do all JC ppl feel the same way, or is it just me? cause in school the last few days i saw a couple of students looking suicidal, I even saw one crying in a classroom all by herself. Wanted to console her, but... I can't even help myself, afraid I might make things worse.

And today I ate lunch at Macs. wow, i think this is the 2nd time i'm eating there this year, what to do, I didn't have much of a childhood. Just like my GP essay. I wrote about youths having very little childhood in this modern age.

At Macs, there were this bunch of kids there celebrating some other kid's birthday. I saw and How i wished i was like them, they seemed so carefree, happy, free from worries.

And I know I've not been smiling alot. So...
Little Andrew you haven't been smiling for awhile,
C'mon Little Andrew, show me a smile!
So Little Andrew please smile more,
And stop looking down on the floor.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bo liow

Found a video we took back in I think April

So bo liow...

Hope we can do more of this after exams.

time to relax a little

today was basically studying all day long, woke up early, got to school to get my books and notes, studied in SAC for awhile, ate lunch, went for tuition from 12-4. Dunno how i managed to ta han 4 hours. did math, made lots of careless mistakes.

on the way back, a fat lady (i mean real fat) sat next to me. Squashed me until i had to like sit sideways. That wasn't so bad, the real bad thing was she fell asleep and kept on nodding her head, lower and lower her head got until it was nearly resting on my lap. sheesh. But its ok, cause thats what i do also. hehe.

reached back home, ate dinner, my fav ba chor mee! the uncle saw me and he like 'siow di, ba chor mee ah?' Hm, he knows me really well.

So... after a long day of studying, i think its time to relax a little. Don't know if I'm doing the right thing, I'm in the midst of exams.

Well, thats the thing about me, i dont know when exaxtly i should work and play. When its time to relax, rest, i'll feel like doing my work, then when i take out my notes, sigh, feel like sleeping.

And these few days aren't very smooth sailing. Got wave after wave of endless headache, maybe its due to the hot weather. but not so bad as the last time, at least now i can still do my work.

Hope it'll all be better after promos.

3 more papers - math, physics and literature.

D day: 25 Oct

D day, D day go away
Little Andrew wants to have a happy day
D day, D day, you I beg
go away and never come back.

D day, D day, but i know you'll still come
So when into you i finally bump,
Do everything but this:
Just dont make me pissed.

or else...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Whew, 3 more papers to go

Todays Chinese paper was a breeze, which means i finished in record time, 1hr 40 min for a 3 hour paper, cause i didn't know how to do paper 2... : (

And the stupid table in the hall was so short, so short until i had a neck ache by the end of the paper, looked down for so long. The chinese dictionary was also more or less useless, did not know how to use it anyway.

If promos was a living man, he'd be so dead.

And, 3 more papers left! I'm gonna finish running the JC1 race soon. (tired but smiles)

And this month, there are like, so many nice movies i wanna watch after exams, like Balls Of Fury, (saw the preview on TV mobile and couldn't stop laughing, ppl thought i was um, siow?), Rogue Assassin staring Jet Li and the Transporter dude, (wonder who's the bad guy) and there's also Shoot Em Up.

So tomorrow will be going for tuition until quite late, just perserver for a few more days and it'll be over. Yawn... tired, just finished studying. Sleeping now. Nite nite.

Tiny, Tangy, Crunchy Candy
what i use to keep me awake while i drive the midnight car.
Nice. Watermelon and wild cherry.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My name is "Oli"........

Today was the killer paper, GP and Econs, wrote altogether 5 essays, 1 AP and 1 compre. whew! hand pain. Did not finish Econs DRQ last question though, worth 10 marks, gosh! Did not finish essay last question also... think missed out alogether about 20 marks. : (

For GP, i did this question; "Young students today have too little childhood. Is this true about the youths in your country?"
Thought this was the easiest question, so did this, wrote about 520 words (not alot really, average was around 700-800). cancelled words here and there just to fill up the paper. ; )

For econs did the question on elasticity of demand and economies of scale. Think it was on these topics, studied for monopoly, but question was too hard. : (

And ya, I've changed my name today. Changed it to Oli. (look below)

Cause Oli-go-poly -> Oligopoly (a kind of market structure where the industry is dominated by a few dominant firms, for example Starhub, SingTel and M1)

D day: 25 Oct.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The last day of lessons.

... promos is finally here, just got back from tuition, did math today, although tomorrow's paper is GP and econs, but, given up on econs already. haven't been studying econs since beginning of the year, so its too late now to start, so, pia math, physcis and literature and GP. hopefully these 4 subs can get me to J2 next year, dont wanna waste a year.

And today half my class didn't come, all at home studying, i think. today was also more or less a wasted day, only the math tutorial helped, the others lectures were um, useless? and got back my GP test today, passed. Chinese, failed. lol.

promos: tomorrow
FREEDOM: 7 more days.
D day: 16 more days : (

All the best for the up coming papers 1s15, hope we can all promote together and be in 2S15 next year. : )

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Last day of lessons!

Tomorrow is the last day of lessons, before we all go for promos, (cries). But my class dunno whether they going tomorrow or not, cause all of us want to stay at home to study, and in school we also dont do much. But even if i stay at home, i most probably will not study, so might as well go to school, i also dont want to kena the 'fair conduct' thing, in case i fail, then i cannot have another chance in SR.

Make the most out of tomorrow.

Dont lose heart, it'll all be over in 9 days time. But for the rest of my class is 10 days, cause they've got a paper on friday, and i dont. yay!

Monday, September 24, 2007

AHHH! 3 more days to promos!

Argg! 3 more days to promos! So fast! Amazing how my class can still play during lessons they dont seem worried at all. I'm also like not scared like that, thats why i blog almost everyday, actually, its every single day. think i learn things the hard and painfull way, must fail exams then know how to fully sit down and prepare. Anyway, more or less prepared for my Thursday's paper already, GP and Econs. And got back my GP test today, ok lah, 22/50. Just 1 more mark to pass, cause i screwed up one part, forgot the format. But my GP tutor said my essay showed promise, and can do much better if i didn't screw up, yay!

And today i nearly committed a GREAT SIN; skip lessons, my Literature lecture and tutorial.It was the last lesson of the day and most of my classmates wanted to skip lesson to go back and study, i too was also nearly tempted. but then, on second thought, banished the idea when the 'fair conduct' system came to mind. my school got this psycho thing called the 'fair conduct' grade. anyhow MIA from lesson and sure to kena 'fair conduct'. But most importantly, yesterday in church learnt about temptation, so... anyway, i didn't skip the lesson and went for the boring lecture. ya, and no one from from my class skipped lessons too, scared the 'fair conduct' thingy. No lah, they're all kuay kia, like me. : )

So today i did my school's mock math paper, and my hopes plunged. It was quite hard and i needed to refer to my notes quite a number of times. : (
And there're also sooooooooo many formulas to remember. Should have gone to the Arts stream, they seem so carefree and confident. And my econs lecturer also keep on comparing us, science steam to the art stream, punch her face i tell you.

Look at all my notes...

Studying, and taking the pic at the same time.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Finished studying for my econs already. whew! revised only market structure and elasticity of demand. the rest will do tomorrow. went down to the study area in the club house, and realised something. ACS ppl are a bunch of stuck-ups. i mean, there were a bunch of ACJC ppl there and the study area was supposed to be quiet area for studying, but then, ACJC ppl were there playing dunno wat, so damn noisy that i can't do my work, so went to the cafe instead. Felt like wacking them with bicycle chain. Now that I'm no longer in ACS, looking back makes me realise how stubborn and idiotic i was last time in ACS. I spent 10 years in ACS and never realised how we, ACS ppl are proud and arrogant.

Me being in SR has allowed me to mix with ppl from other schools, and hey, they are a much more fun bunch of ppl to hang out with. So, I'm glad i didn't make it to ACJC, and to SR instead.

Can't believe I was in ACS for 10 years straight. Gosh.

sigh... wont be able to make it on the 29th

This coming sat is Brothers and Sisters night, some event by my church, really want to go, but most likely won't be able to. Middle of exams and want to concentrate, and got tuition until quite late, so most probably I won't be going.

I missed the last one too, due to Shooting training camp. : (
Never mind, maybe next time.

4 more days, time really flies

Another week is gone and exams are just 4 more days away. Last lap of the JC 1 race, so, just endure and sprint forward, soon it'll all be over and i can finally take a break. A month ago i planned for myself a study timetable, planned down what i wanted to study by what period and my target grades. Sadly, I didn't follow this timetable faithfully, and worse still, don't know why my school is starting to do JC 2 topics like vectors 3 and superposition and poetry when promos don't even cover them. No wonder SR ppl do so badly for exams.

And wow, my school tutors really can mark papers real fast, a week after the last paper and we'll get them back. My sec school takes about 3-4 weeks to mark. Siow.

And D Day for me is 25 oct, will be getting my final results back. Pray that I'll be able to continue in SR, not withdraw to a poly, although half of me wants to go there. I even got my post-exams timetable already. Siow, holidays will start around the beginning of December, but still most prob have to go back for shooting trainings, if I'm still in SR fist lah.

Honestly, I'm scared about the future, c'mon, I'm human after all right?

My heart is in anguish. Psalm 55:4

Don't worry about anything, instead pray about anything. Philippians 4:6

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you. 1 Peter 5:7

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday, time to take a break, and rest!

Just came back from church for fellowship, ate a early dinner after returning from tuition and now abit hungry, and very tired. fell asleep on the train and missed my stop, again. But, it'll all be over soon, 12 more days and promos is over, whether i get promoted or not, its something that i have no control over.

And ya, Chin Ting, if you're reading this, thanks alot for the note and bookmark, and everything else! I know I can be abit dao, only know how to say thanks, but really dont know what else to say, so, Thanks! Again! So much! : ))) [triple smiles!]

And econs is my first paper, but haven't even touched my lecture notes yet, (cries)... And guess what? i saw my former econs teacher today, Mdm Jan Teo, at the Serangoon MRT st. but i was on the bus, so did not greet her. Sigh... i wish she could come back to SR and teach my class again.

And i tried the most disgusting mooncake today, coffee and durain flavoured, yucks. Thought it tasted good, when i saw its yellow cover. but... what a disappointing combination. Pulak! sick.
But the others were quite ok, the normal one and the double yoke one. Yum! i love the yoke and can eat it on its own, thats why now abit fat. Mooncake festival, my favourite, and its this time of the year i put on the most weight. : )


The Value Of Time

To realize the value of 1 year
ask a student who failed his exams

To realize the value of 1 month
ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby

To realize the value of 1 day
ask a daily wage worker who has 10 kids to feed

To realize the value of 1 hour
ask the lovers who are waiting to meet

To realize the value of 1 second
ask a person who has survived an accident

To realize the value of 1 millisecond
ask the one who won a silver medal at the Olympics.

Sigh... 5 more days to promos, time is a luxury i do not have.
Still, going to pia all the way, nothing to lose already, so... all the best!

Going for tution now.

Friday, September 21, 2007

me and myself

Dug up a few photos of myself and decided to see how much I've changed.
Take a look, but dont laugh ah.

Oh no! can't believe i looked like this in pri 1. lol

At least this isn't so bad, but hair abit long ah

Wah! in pri 6, think study for PSLE until stone already...

ok, in sec 3 for my pink IC. do i look fat?
HAs, now in JC, slim down abit right? but still look stone.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Something is very wrong...

...with my school canteen food, i mean, no matter how much i eat, i still feel hungry. Usually one serving is enough for me, and can last for quite awhile, but my school food, like today i ate 2 servings and i still felt hungry, so i spent about $8 today on food alone...

maybe its a psychological problem, work and stress is causing hunger, i dont know. But all i know that is, school food is "chiak buay pa" one.

So today during chinese, we did a worksheet on the 'cheng yu' (did i spell it correctly?) and there was this answer 'shou zhu dai tu', as in the rabbit go and smash itself against a tree. ok, all along thought that this 'cheng yu' was actually called 'xiao tu zhuang shu'. haha. shows how mediocre my Chinese is.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I cut my hair!!!

Argg! Today I finally cut my hair, the last time i cut was a few weeks before the June holidays, so its about... 4 months? Anyway, I cut my hair only ONCE a term, meaning once every 3 months, so the next time i'm cutting is i think the year 2008. : )

Anyway, today i did another Chinese paper, and yay! i got 13/35. I know that this grade sucks to the skies, but, this is the highest I've ever got for Chinese in a JC! (sec school not counted lah)
So, if i got 5 more marks, I'd have gotten an 'S' grade and next year I dont have to take MT anymore!

Ok, so its 7 more days to promos, but then again even if i pass, my grades may be pulled down as i flunked my common test in the middle of this year. So must aim higher than 30 points. : )

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

So, today is finally over

Yes, Today is finally over, and its 8 more days to promos! Just came back from tution, [havent eaten dinner yet so very hungry, but no food! : ( ]
Anyway, on the 8 of oct my school is going down to botanic gardens for some outdoor PE lesson for 2 hours, sounds very fun, esp there'll be no lessons on that day itself.

And something funny happened today; i was on my way to tuition on the bus and there was this baby being carried by the mother in front of me. he kept looking at me and saying "wah wah".
And when i grabbed onto the pole for support, guess what? the baby held on to the pole too! and he kept holding on to my hand, so i moved my hand lower and the cutie pie followed. So i moved my hand lower and the baby, in attempt to hold my hand, nearly fell of the mother's shoulder. Luckily the mother was fast and held on to the baby. So i grabbed the top of the pole, the baby also tried to hold the top but was too short, then he looked at me, ........., and without warning he freakin burst into tears! was he loud, nearly blasted my brains off, that kid. Ya, so i alighted at my stop and waved 'bye bye' to him. So cute. : )

And today in school, I was supposed to pass up my EOM, so i stapled the sheets of paper together, and for some reason i stapled my finger, ouch! The stapler was embedded in my finger and my EOM was soaked with blood, (ok lah, only abit). So bo pian, just pass up the literally bloody piece of document.

And oh-oh, we're going to get back our exam results on the 25th oct. Scared? of course, who isn't?

And tomorrow also must cut my hair, sian.
Its a wonder I'm still alive.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Mixed Feelings

Today I got back my Chinese Paper. And... failed, but never mind, cause I dont plan to include MT in my grades anyway. So, today has finally ended with some screw ups; like forgot to print my EOM articles, didn't do Lit homework...

So... its 10 more days to promos. Very sad that my Econs tutor will be leaving SR at the end of this year, he has really brightened Econs lessons, changing my perception of Econs as a difficult, hard to understand and score subject into a fun and fulfilling subject which is easy to understand and master. Even though he had only been with my class for about only 3 months, he had really bonded with us through his jokes and the 'arrowing and random name calling'.

And there's Chinese, i really have given up on this subject, i mean, to me, a person who has been speaking English for the last 17 years of his life, speaking only Chinese when the Chinese tutor speaks to me, its really hard to understand the language, given its complexity to a English speaking boy like me. Its ok, maybe I'll take CLB next year, if I'm still in JC.

And tomorrow there's tution until 10, cause I finish school late, like everyday, Wednesday too, so hopefully the lack of sleep will not affect my revision.

Pray hard, life is short.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sad depressing day

Oh-oh. 11 more days to promos. Thursday is GP and Econs, whew, i saw wrongly and thought it was Econs and Chinese together on the same day. Anyway, last paper is on Thursday, better than sec school, where exams could span over 2-2.5 weeks, now JCs only a week long.

Today, a ok day, but felt a bit depressed after knowing that exams are just round the corner and i'm also not fully prepared. After all, i've not been putting in my best effort in revision, so i can't expect excellent grades right? Anyway, today i had a heavy lunch, thanks to Rudy for ordering more FOOD (I was already very full). So i felt sleepy after that, all the blood went to my spare tire and my brain lacked oxygen, therefore i nearly fell asleep. Zzzzzzz

Now, still got lots of stuff to do, cut my hair (Nooooo....), do my EOM, do my revision, homework, all by tonight. maybe i'll delay my EOM, hope Mdm Leung won't beat me up.

Still praying that I'll get the 'Poly thoughts" outta my head, cause I really don't want to waste a year. So, work hard and hopefully i can get promoted to JC 2 next year.

Ok, time to do my work. Tomorrow will be a better day. : )

Friday, September 14, 2007


yay! today I learnt 3 new card tricks! tyring them out on my sister, but need more practice to really make it look like pro. And also, weekends are here! can spend more time doing revision at my own pace. : )

And also thanks to Rodger for doing the tricks on me so noobishly that even I can see through the trick and do it on others. : )

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yes! Its 2 more days to the weekend, finally can relax abit, ya, but this two days usually pass in a blink of an eye. Sat is usually burned doing revision, sunday is spent in Church and later doing revision. Just came back from tuition and no homework to do, so wasting time typing this.

I finally understood Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Forgot to bring extra $$$ for food outside, so ended borrowing from ppl, even so, forgot to borrow extra for dinner, so, ate whatever i could find. Lost my math tutorial worksheet, forgot to pass up my I&R, tripped and fell twice, was so tired that i fell asleep in the bus and alighted at the wrong stop, forgot to set my alarm and ended up waking up late, luckily i did my business fast. ........ so much for one day.

Tomorrow's gonna be a better day, I think. (ending school late, at 6 cause of remedials)

Dont let stress and depression take control.

Promos: 15 more days. : (

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hope its not too late... 15 more days!!! AHHHH!!!

Yes! Headache's gone and can concentrate for revision for promos. Is it too late to only start revision now, with only 15 more days to the 1st paper. I don't know, and the only subjects i'm wacking are Physics, Math, Lit and GP. Chinese and Econs... my 2 weakest subs. : (

After promos, heard that its gonna be intensive revision for Chinese and PW as the A levels are just about a month or more away. Hm, i wonder what time we'll be released? 2? 3? I hope that after promos i'll have more time for myself and do what i want to do. C'mon, perserver for about 23 more days till the last paper, and... no school on the 5th of Oct! cause i dont take Chem or Geog or History or whatever, and last paper Lit is on the 4th, so... Lets celebrate on the 5th!!! Yay!

But then again... heard that Dec holis gonna be burnt due to the tight schedule, we have to continue J2 topics, and i think holis only start around the end of Nov, i'm not sure, hope I'm wrong. They'd better leave my Christmas week alone, best if no lessons and/or training. hehe.. looking forward to end of promos!

SRJC, thanks for all the headaches (tutorials), heartaches (results), leg aches (PE lessons), stomachache (lously canteen food) and handache (GP, Lit MT and Lit essays). I'll always remember YOU.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday again!

Today, during the 1st period of the 1st day of the 1st week of a new term, guess what? ya, TEST! Chinese Test some more! paper was an hour long, but finished it in 20 min, cause i don't know how to do, so anyhow wack.

And tomorrow, have to go home an hour late again cause some prof. from NUS is coming to give a talk on Othello, the text i'm studying for my Literature. And, yay! today we finished the whole text, and are doing poetry now, i don't see why they're still concentrating on poetry since the promos doesn't cover this component.

And the Math test i took last week? Got it back today and I passed! Not a good pass, but considering that I didn't know about it and actually managed to pass, yay! Thank God!
Actually could have done better if i had studied and been less careless. : (

Heard another lame joke today; if a bird was flying a certain distance on a rainy day, and there was lightning and thunder, why did the bird die even though it wasn't struck by lightning?
hehe. think lame, c'mon.


cause when it heard the thunder, it used both its wings to cover it's ears and it committed suicide. haha. so lame, thanks to Steven, don't say i steal your joke ah.

What a great way to start the new term.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Troubles surround me - too many to count! They pile up so high I can't see my way out. They are more numerous than the hairs on my head. I have lost all my courage. Psalm 40: 12

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged by the size of the task, for the Lord God, my God is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. 1 Chronicles 28: 20
Taken from TouchPoints For Students (many thanks to Chin Ting!)

Yup, after reading this verse I feel much better. I'm sure this coming week will be full of challenges, but I'm confident that I'll make it through this week, then after that, a week before promos.

Sometimes I feel down and out, esp during the middle of the week, where I'm tired and there's still 3 more days to go before I can rest. But I know that even if I fall, I'll fall and God will lift me up. Praise the Lord.

Die you blood-sucker!

Yipee! 2 down. millions to go. killed 2 blood-sucking mozzies today. damn thing was buzzing around my ear while doing my PW. Bzzz. Tried to suck my blood but i was too fast, swiped the sucker with the electric thingy, sparks flew (only abit lah) and it stuck to the metal grill.

Stunned! stupid blood-sucker could still actually move after being zapped. So i pressed the button longer, this time, i made sure that it was really dead. Few seconds later, another arrived, up went my electric thingy and down went the sucker/loser. Big time.

Next time, i'll try my homemade flamethrower, place a lighter in front of a can of deo and aim at a sucker, then press the button and fry the blood-sucker. Lets all do our part in getting rid of these suckers.

If they breed, we'll bleed. <- media's version Andrew's version -> If they breed, they'll bleed. Mua hahah.

This is where they'll come, and this is where they'll die

18 more days... trying to do my best

Today my blog's 1 week old! ok never mind, cause its 18 more days to promos. Hm, time really flies, soon, it'll be over and I'd get my results back. But, all I'll need to do is to do my best, and God will do the rest. : ) and also many many thanks to my Sister-In-Christ, Chin Ting for giving me an encouraging letter. Yup, i'm more determined to work harder and do my very best, but I know that the path ahead will definitly be harder. No matter what, I'm still trying my best to put my future and trust in the Lord, and I know I'll never have to walk that path alone.

"I have added wings to fly - for God made me to soar" courtesy of the very encouraging letter from Chin Ting. : )

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Funny poems

heres some funny poems my friend sent to me:

Sometimes my homework is small
Sometimes my homework is long
But whenever i do my homework
My homework is always wrong

Sometimes I do my homework at a slow pace
Sometimes I do my homework in the fast lane
But however I do my homework
my homework is still a pain

Sometimes my homework is easy
Sometimes my homework is hard
But whenever i can't do my homework
I feel like a retard
(this poem is so very true!!!)

Today is Monday,
You're off to that dreaded place,
5 days a week you spend here,
You'll never escape!

You have your books,
You have your brain,
When the day is through,
It'll be in a lot of pain,
And you have your friends,
Some good and some great,
But talk to them too much and you'll be late.

Keep your grades up though and watch with care,
Someday you'll look at colleges and say I want to go there,
So with your head full of knowledge and shoes full of feet,
If you let it, school can help you accomplish any feat!
(so is this!!!)

But then again... with school comes exams, with exams comes pressure, with pressure comes headaches, with headaches comes immobility, with immobility comes laziness, with laziness comes... FAILURE. No....

Walk by faith not by sight my dear ; )


19 more days to promos, combined with PW, econs project, and a really really bad headache i got yesterday and with all the vomitting... i wished i had completed my stupid PW and Econs earlier so i can pia the revision for promos.

But not so bad after all, my school is covering less topics for promos compared to other JCs.
Math is covering Partial Fractions, Binomial, APGP, summation and induction, st. and further graphs, functions, differentation, vectors, transformation, inequalities, matrices, and got others i forgot al. oops!

Physics covering all the way to superposition. Actually i find the mechanical components of physics harder then waves and electricity. But maybe A level electrity may be harder, i dont know.

then econs i plan to fail. I only know the DD and SS parts and market structure and some others, i chapala here and there.

Literature just read the text can al. anyway, the paper is open book, so can bring the text along. : ) and best part is... no poetry component! i suck at poetry cause i can't interpret and compare for nuts. : )

Chinese, fail then take CLB next year loh, anyway i also don;t plan to count MT in my results.

GP should be able to pass, aiming for D. But if fail then bo pian drop out or retain.

Well, i'm aiming for abt 40 points for promos, i know very low, but, aim too high and i may miss my target. so if i can get pass this year and get promoted to J2, wow, i go high already. : )

Thursday, September 6, 2007


wow, not again, ya, test. 3rd time in a row i got caught unaware. Physics SHM online test, damn hard, tikam and got 11/21, tried 2nd try and got 7/21. hope they'll take the hightest score. Hm, quite luckly, anyhow do also can get 11/21. hehe...

Its ok, maybe some other time

Movies? still finding ppl to go with me, i know it can be abit sian to always go alone -> thats what i've been doing for the last few shows. Everytime i tell the dude behind the counter; "1 ticket for ..." he will without fail give me that look which seems to say, " 1 only ah? U social outcast or what?" I mean, whats wrong with going to the movies alone right? though i know it can get abit sian after a while. So many movies i wanted to watch this year but no time to watch, like spiderman 3, rush hour 3, bourne ultimatum, mr bean's holiday, fantastic 4, transformers and others. But, still finding ppl to go with me, maybe after promos. Maybe i'll go alone like old times, sigh... sian. Now i also where got the mood to go, 21 more days to promos, oops!

Sad, sad day
just when it seems
that life joyfully gleams
sad, sad day
is brought our way

Sad, sad day, go away
go away sad sad day
Little Andrew wants to play
so, sad day just hide behind the sun
Little Andrew wants to be happy and have some fun

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Shooting training

cannot wait for promos to end, then i can go back for training already! must have lost my touch after not training for so long, and more fortnightly shoots may be coming up, must train harder and enter the next round of competition, whatever competition it is. But, my gun is like uh so koyak already, with masking tape and stuffed tissue paper for comfort all around it, looks like water gun, so puffed up. when can i get a new one?????????????? i know that my school's club has limited resources, so... its ok, i'll still carrying on training with my current gun, though it can be a bit leh chay to keep on loading the gun after a while. Hm... maybe they should come up with a air gun that can shoot abt 10 rounds without reloading, or maybe it is already designed, but i just don't know, ? i damn sua ku one.

so far my best shot for fortnightly shoots is 438/600. Must break it during the next shoot. dunno why, but i shoot better during trainings than the fortnightly shoot. my best for training was 487/600. when i took my 6 best cards.

or maybe, the last training may be my last one, if i fail my promos, then i'll drop to a poly. Hm, i wonder if theres' shooting CCA in poly.

22 more days....

... : ( 22 more days to promos! sorry, but i can't stop counting down, every sec i think abt the stupid exams, stress is getting the better of me.

today i woke up late and missed the chemistry lecture. reached school at 10. .......cause i dont even take chem....

so anyway, today was an ok day, but then, got test again! luckily its GP, sure can pass, but, at the application qn, i forgot the format, so anyhow wack, if can pass, miracle already.

But, the best thing is... no lessons tmr! But still going to school to study, well tutors there so anything can can ask them right?

and also this saturday is a free day for me, no tution, no school, no everything, whew! can rest, take a break. well, i'm no superman, i also need rest, right?

oh ya, before i forget, i heard a super lame and cute joke today; a bird takes 1 hr to fly a certain distance on a sunny day, but takes 2 hrs to fly the same distance on a rainy day. Why?
Come on, i know you can do it..

cause it used only 1 wing to fly, the other was used to cover its head. hehe.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Today, with only 23 more days of suffering...

Huh? Test? What test? Today? Wah, siow liow ah...
Today got math test, never revise, don't even know got test today. Miracle i finished the paper with time to spare. : ) nope, i never tikam, math how to tikam? Ya, today started with a shock. Test? siow, early morning where got people do test?

so basically today i sat through 6 hours of lectures with only 2 breaks in between, don't know how i did that, but fell asleep during econs lecture. Sorry Mr. Phay, not even your lame jokes can keep me awake, try harder next time k? ; )

And... Yikes!!! 23 more days to promos! 23 more days of endless worries, eating un-proper meals, having nightmares when sleeping, pulling my hair in tutorial class...

But cheer up, cause its only 118 more days to the new year! And 483 more days to the end of the A levels! and 1213+ more days until i've finished serving my NS! ya, happy counting. gotta go do my revision now, dont wanna fail my promos. Happy happy. : )

Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday blues

Monday again... 6 more days to the weekend, ya, started counting already. Its 24 more days to the promos and 119 more day the the year 2008. Today felt the real impact of the Monday blues. Did another JC's exam paper today, nearly vomitted, not only because of the paper itself but also i was having a super-bad headache today, and i just reached home after tution. Gosh, 1130, still got lots of work to do before i can rest for tonight. Today's come and gone, too late to regret not doing what i should have done, my damn PW.

Still, there is hope for tomorrow. Yesterday is history, today is a gift and tomorrow a mystery. one friend shared with me, "face yourself towards the sun, and you'll not be able to see the shadows" Hmm. ya. face yourself towards the sun, then go blind and no need to study. Damn smart ah you.

Still, its back to my favourite phrase; "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"
Yup, time to go do my work, the never-ending pile of work i have.

Tomorrow will be a better day, i hope.

24 more days....

Time flies, really. 24 more days to promos, am i prepared? not really. that's why i typing this instead of studying. Week after week have passed and i am still wonderland, 'enjoying' my honeymoon year in SR, sigh... it feels like i have only collected my O level results last month and now, its term 4 : (

Really, many ppl tell me that their most enjoyable academic year is during their JC year, yeah right, for you maybe, as for me, i don't enjoy JC life alot, but neither do i hate it, i don't blame anyone for this, only myself for choosing the wrong path. Luckily there is the occasional 'fun' in class, as maj of my class are boys, (not men as still childish) and they can get very wild. Good thing these jokers are in my class, if not i'll die of stress, or i'll go mad, whichever comes first, so thanks 1S15 for adding that extra 'life' in to JC life.

Hopefully i can still get to be in the same class with all my classmates next year, though i know that some of us will have to drop out (me included). Okie... better go now, gotta get to school by 2 for GP : (

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Exams! Something that every student dreads, esp me since i'm such a weak student. Naturally i fell worried. With the upcoming A level PW and Chinese, combined together with promos, it doesn't help. Sigh... don't know if i can make it, got 8 points only for mid-year, need 30 to get promoted. 70 points to secure a place in the Uni. It really doesn't help.

My target for promos: GP - D
MT - S (Chinese is my lousiest sub)
Math - C
Physics - C
Literature - D
Econs - E (also my crappy sub)

Pray that i will make it, even if i dont, give thanks to HIM for at least letting me experience JC life. Dont worry, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

Sept Holidays

Yup, tmr is the start of the September Holidays, thank God for this 1 week break, (I really needed it) though i still have to go back for lessons and remedials.

Need to really start to study for my promos, about 25 more days, sian, time is luxury I do not have, so this coming hoilidays, its either i make it or i break it.

And ya, Happy Teachers' Day, to all my caring and ever-understanding teachers at SRJC, thanks lots for all your patience, and also for making lessons during the Holidays. Love you all!!! ;)

New life

Yeah! Blog's alive! the previous one's dead so created this new one.
Patience ppl, still working on it.