Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The irony of life

Today got my final paper back, math. Got a U for it. So that goes my only hope of getting promoted to JC2. Got only 17.5/90 points, and I needed 30 to promote.

Then, some of the pai kia in my class, the ponners, smokers, jokers, managed to do well and get promoted. Some pon lectures, go smoke, sleep in class and play the fool, and only God knows how they managed to get promoted.

Those who didn't have tuition like yang, also managed to score about 50 points. Maybe its because I have tuition until very late thats why I don't have to time to go revise my work.

Its really not fair, not to those who really worked hard, but I didn't expect all the pai kia to do real well and get promoted, and ppl like me who never pon a single lecture, handed up my tutorials and payed att. in class to fail.

... such is the irony of life.

think I'm the lowest in my class with only 17.5 points.

So now, poly........ or retain?

Really don't know what to do. then I've already paid for my A level MT and PW fees. now I'm not taking them.

But surprising, I felt happy when I received my math paper. maybe its because I'm going to poly, where I think there's not so much stress and things to worry about. Then I can maybe have a life, which I don't have much of it now. Go poly what do what course? Civil Engineering? It was my 3rd choice. Then CCA? Wanted to join Dragon Boat or canoeing. Maybe if there's shooting, then maybe I'll join, then compete with my ex-shooters in SR. maybe there's better guns in poly?

But at the same time, I also feel bitter, bitter cause I've just wasted a year of time, effort and money. Spent a lot on lecture notes, tuition and misc.
Why must such things happen to ppl like me, and not others.

D Day is no longer D Day. Cause my results now no longer mean a thing to me now.

Clearing my locker tomorrow.


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