Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rotting but not dying

Today, some guy from dunno where added me on facebook. His name was Andrew Wong; and he invited me to join a group called: "My name is Andrew Wong".

I joined and took a look at the members.

Nearly fell off my chair, dunno how many ppl named Andrew Wong were members. Creepy.

And I was the only one from Singapore.

Anyway, today just came back from 2 interviews. Think all unsuccessful. Hiaz.... when can I get a job? damn stupid loh me, whole day sit at home search for job on the net. Wake up your idea lah please Andrew Wong. Rot the whole day. Feel like wacking myself, feels weird not working and just slacking. I hate this kinda lifestyle. I suck I know.

Actually I could start 1 on Monday, but then it's until the 28th, and I've got camp on that day, so, rejected. Cant believe I just freakin wasted 1 month just like this; sit at home at rot.

Dammit I hate myself. I bet I'll go crazy at this rate.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So wrong

Yikes! Just took a survey and these were the results:

You Are 30% Boyish and 70% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm so freakin pissed.

Why? cause I went back to SR again to collect my leaving cert. That one I close 1 eye. But then when I reach there, my CT was having a meeting, and the meeting would take quite a while. So, another wasted trip.

Have to go back... ...another time!!! Better be the last time.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

As promised!

So as promised, I'll post some of the essays I have written, from Primary school to Junior College. The primary ones are fun to read, but the JC ones are abit dry, so bear with me okie?

So here is one I wrote in P4. Still kept the script with me, cause it contains my 'wonderful' memories of pri school.

Here goes....

One day, Little Tom had nothing to do at home, his parents were still working. He was at home all alone and wanted to play. So Little Tom went down to the playground to play. He was very excited because he could play with all the sand.

When he reached the playground, he was feeling very happy. He started to make some sand castles with the sand. Then he also sat on the swing swing. He was very happy. Suddenly, 4 big boys came to the playground also. They saw Little Tom's sandcastle and kicked it. The sandcastle was gone in the end. They also laughed at Little Tom for playing all by himself. They started to make fun of him. Little Tom felt scared and started to cry. Suddenly Little Tom remembered what his mother told him. His mother always told him not to be scared to others. But he must fight back. So Little Tom suddenly became very angry at the big boys because they made fun of him. He went out of the swing swing and stood in front of one of the big boys. Suddenly he picked up some sand and threw it at the big boy's eyes. He could not see anymore. Little Tom then took a stick nearby and smashed the big boy's head. Blood came out. Little Tom continued to smash the head until the big boy did not move. He was dead. Little Tom felt very happy. He went to the next big boy and stick his fingers in the big boy's mouth. Using all his strength, he pulled the tongue out and tied it around his neck until he could not breath. Then Little Tom pulled out the big boy's eyeballs and threw them away. He went to last big boy and kicked his KKB. The big boy cried because it was very pain. Then Little Tom went take a scissors and started to cut him in small pieces. 1 hour later, all the big boys were dead. Little Tom then started to dig the sand and buried the boys in the sand.

After Little Tom finished burying the boys, he went upstairs. His parents were at home. He told his mother what he had done. His mother said he was very brave and strong. Little Tom felt very happy because his mother said he was strong and brave. Little Tom also had fun that day.

The End


If you're reading this, pls tag my taggie okie?

It's so empty.... just like my life. Now. Not forever I hope.

Friday, November 23, 2007

So near yet so far...

About 2 hours ago, the recruit agency called and said they have found a job for me, and told me to go down to sign the contract. wah, so excited that I can work already.

But the contract indicated that I would have to work on Sundays too, from 10 - 330. Got church in the morning so... too bad. Didn't sign the contract. Have to continue job hunting again...

Its gonna be another week spent rotting at home again.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Desperate situation calls for desperate measures

I'm so despo... .... for a freakin job!!! Its been like 1 month already and still finding for a job. So, desperate situation calls for desperate measures.

Applied for cashier, shop assistant and other crap post, even applied for off the grid jobs, like chocolatier in Changi and some cashier in TP.

Here I am sitting on my backside blogging and finding jobs online, while my ex-classmates are most prob in school. Dont know who to feel sorry for.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Andrew's ABCs

Welcome to Andrew's ABC

A is for Andrew
B is for Bio
C is for Chemistry
D is for Dentist
E is for 'E' grade
F is for Failed
G is for seranGoon JC
H is for History
I is for Idiot
J is for June holidays which dont exist
K is for Kiss my @ss SRJC
L is for Loser
M is for Money
N is for Nothing
O is for 'O' level
P is for Physics
Q is for Queue or no food
R is for Rest while you can
S is for Shakespear
T is for Ten/Ten (perfect shot)
U is for University
V is for Very very tub tub
W is for Winner
X is for Xpensive
Y is for You
Z is for Zao home loh

See, this is how bored I am.

SR again and again

Went back to SR again today to collect my leaving cert. When I got there, the guard didn't let me in, cause I wasn't wearing shoes.... So I called my CT and he told me to wait outside. Waited for 20 min, then he came out and said "sorry Andrew but the clerk lost your leaving cert, so can you come back another day?"


Wow, thanks man clerk @ SR. So I have to go back another day loh.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Please noooo.

Oh no, guess what?

I feel like going back to JC again. Why? Maybe its because I still want to go to a Uni. But then again, I'm afraid that I'll make the same mistake again...

What am I supposed to do? Argg.

But then, even if I go back, no way I'll go back to SRJC, nope, never ever.

SR didn't kick me out of school. I kicked SR outta my life. Kiss my @ss SR.

So then again, which JC to go to? Maybe try out CJ, but then 16 points dunno whether can or not. And also which subjects to take? maybe H2 physics, math, literature and H1 econs.

Chinese! Must pass to enter U. 45% and above! how????? I've never gotten more than 30% before. So!

Besides, I also dont know what course I wanna take in poly, thought I've my dream job in mind. However, I may not get my dream job cause of my eyesight...

(pulls hair)

My ass is bleeding, literally

Stupid mozzie bit my ass today, and I scratched it until the skin tore and now my backside is bleeding. My chair is also stained blood-red. I hate mozzies.

Are the mozzies feeling bored too? Like me?

Maybe thats why of all places they bit my backside. lol.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Does speaking to plants encourage them to grow

Many people maintain that talking to plants, and exposing them to melodious sounds generally, encourages them to grow and promotes health. Indeed, albums have been recorded specifically for the purpose of invigorating plant growth.

A number of scientific studies have been conducted in an attempt to prove this. One study found that ultrasonic vibrations stimulated the production of hormones in plants and encourage growth, while others have also discovered that sounds that fall within the range of human hearing also led to increased growth.

There have also been studies carried out to determine which type of music produces the best results, suggesting that classical music made plants healthier while loud rock music was detrimental to their health. One such study indicated that extremely loud noises increased germination in some plants.

It was suggested as early as the nineteenth century that plants were capable of emotions and were likely to be healthier if they received a lot of attention. It has also been claimed that, while they evidently can't understand the spoken word, plants are capable of understanding the meaning behind speech. Charles Darwin even compared certain characteristics of primates with those of plants.

Proponents of the theory that talking to plants encourages growth argue that such action involves respiration, providing the plants with extra carbon dioxide, which they need in order to grow. In addition, if the plant's owner speaks to it on a regular basis, he or she may notice things wrong with it - such as pest infestation - and can then deal with them before they cause a serious problem.

Despite the many studies and theories on the topic, there is thought to be no scientific evidence to suggest that playing music or talking to plants will increase their growth rate or make them healthier.

From: Why are skies blue and parrots talk

Why do bottles of tequila contain worms

It's a common misconception that tequila bottles contain worms; indeed, it is legally forbidden for bottles of tequila to contain worms. In fact, it is the drink mezcal - similar to tequila and also made in Mexico - that contain worms. A number of brands of mezcal contain worms.

The worm is traditionally used for such a purpose is actually the caterpillar Hipota agavis, which lives in the stems of agave plants, from which mezcal is made. These reddish coloured worms can be quite rare and at times white worms from the leaves of the plant are used instead.

The practice of adding such worms to bottles of mezcal has been in existence since the 1940s, when a Mexican named Jocobo Lozano Paez, while tasting the drink, found that the addition of worms changed the taste and colour. He then decided to include the worm as a marketing gimmick. Despite popular belief, this practice hasn't been a Mexican tradition for centuries.

The worm is supposed to be eaten, traditionally being considered a delicacy by Mexicans, and is thought by some to have aphrodisiac qualities, while others believe that the worm gives strength to those who eat it and that it is hallucinogenic. Apart from any psychological effects the worm might have, however, in reality it's merely a worm filled with alcohol.

From: Why skies are blue and parrots talk
Know what? Its so boring that I feel like typing out every single word in the dictionary and their meanings.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Still haven't found a job yet, cause there're soooo many interviews that I had to go to, and some are like not to my suiting. One of them is doing customer service at Bedok. The bad thing is that the working hours are from 6am-330pm. yup, have to reach Bedok by 6am. what the....

Then there's one also, dealing with the Australian Market, dunno why I need to be fluent in both English and Chinese. So they conducted a phone interview with me, to test out my fluency. The English part was ok, but when it came to the Chinese part, I was like uh... "sorry, I dont speak Chinese."

And their reply was "oh ok, we'll call you back again."
And up till now, still no reply.

Just received another call, from a Bank in Toa Payoh, calling me down for an interview. Working hours is from 9-6. Its a 5 .1/2 work day, so which means i have to work on Saturday too, until 3pm.

Also there're others, but either the location is way off the grid, or the working hours are irregular.

Hope to find a job soon!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just added this application on my profile on Facebook, "How Sexy Is Your Name".

And result is 'Your name is damn sexy'. lol.
Went for an interview in the morning @ Raffles Place. So from what I've gathered, I'll most likely to work in SingTel @ AMK, doing customer service, picking up calls this kinda stuff. OK lah, think better than data entry, just pick up calls can already.

And then CT called again, told me to go back to SR AGAIN!!! to collect my leaving cert. Wah, go back dunno how many times already.


Just finished A Cinderella Story. Nice show, modern Cinderella ya.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Today was a kinda busy day. Went to Orchard in the morning for an interview, then later went to PS to buy tickets for The Game Plan @ 7PM. Went home, rest awhile, then got another call from Recruit Express, asking me to go down for another interview tomorrow morning.

Kinda ironic, I went to this company; Recruit Express to have them assist me in finding a suitable job for me, and guess what? I'll be working in that company itself, doing admin work such as filling of the applications and data entry.

Then in the evening went to PS to watch The Game Plan with Chin Ting. Super show! The little girl, dont know her name was super cute!!! Big brown eyes and a smile that will melt even the hardest of hearts. Abit touching at the end though, Dwane 'The Rock' Johnson has super white and shiny teeth! Overall, the show is great, both funny and touchy, bringing out ppl's emotions. Somebody cried... wont say who lah.

Had dinner at Yoshinoya after the show, ate the Salmon Bowl, thks to Chin Ting. And ya, you're great company too!

And tomorrow have to go for another interview in the morning and another in the evening. Hope I'll get a job ASAP. : )

The Game Plan! Great Show!
Awww, so cute right?
lol. The Rock learning Ballet.

Yay! Father love daughter, daughter love father, Happie Ending!!! : )
Ok, here are the answers to the qn below.

Q1. Lion's room. Cause Lions are dead for not having eaten in 3 years.

Q2. She takes a photo of him.

Q3. Charcoal

Q4. Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Q5. The entire paragraph does contain the letter 'E', which is one of the most commonly used letters in the English language.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today is such a boring day,
I feel like I'm wasting my life away.
Prospective employers were supposed to call me,
Thought today I was gonna be an interviewee.

But no, no call from them,
I wanna start work and when?
Time is running short you know.
Soon, off to school I'll go!

lol. just some stupid poem I came up with, thats why its so crappy.


quizzie time!

Can you answer any?

Q1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms: The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

Q2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

Q3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?

Q4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? '

Q5. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!

Will post the answers tomorrow ya. happy trying! : )

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Light of the world

Thank You Chin Ting! Again! : )

Saturday, November 10, 2007

45 more days!!!

Yay! its exactly 45 more days to Christmas!

Was reading some of my older blog posts, found it hard to believe that I actually thought I could promote, luckily I didn't. happy with the ways things are now; more or less found a decent job to see me through till March next year, meanwhile enjoying my freetime, no stress, no work, no everything. Can't wait for poly intake though, wonder what life in poly will be like? bet its totally different from JC life.

Nite nite.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Just got back from the interview, think can start work next week. One is doing data entry at Tanjong Pagar, all the admin stuff and the other is answering phone calls at SingTel @AMK.

Have to go for interview again, so till then... its gonna be more boring days again. : ]

Back to watching Die Hard 4.0. What a pity, Maggie Q died...
They replied! Going for the interview at 3 @ Orchard.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

SR again. sian

wow, went back to SR again today. For what? CT called me in the morning, said he had to pass me my report book. Ai yo! throw away lah! I want for what?

So I dragged my reluctant myself to school, took 40 min, just to collect my report book, have to remind me how I failed again...

So went to school, CT having meeting, so waited outside the staff room. saw some ppl still rehersing for their PW OP. ouch.

then collected my report book, went home, watched Tears Of The Sun, great movie. And applied for more jobs. some located at Orchard, yay! dont have to travel so far.

Now, feeling bored, so here I am, blogging.

And this sat got to go back to SR AGAIN! for my class econs presentation.

Aiyo, when will My last day in SR be???

Tears Of The Sun


E.Burke : "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Holidays are soooo boring...

Today... was a ultra boring day.

Woke up at 730. (maybe its because I'm used to waking up early)

Then bombed the toilet. Again.

Later ate Lunch at 10. Yes, 10 am, cause there's really nothing to do.

Then played Battlefield 2 until 1.

Played until dizzy, slept for awhile.

Woke up at 4, ate my dinner. Ya, another early meal, CAUSE THERE'S REALLY NOTHING TO DO!!!! ARGGGG!!!

Suddenly got reminded of finding a job, so logged on to to search for some.

Applied for data entry and waitering. But then. all the work places were like so far away, all in the east, and work starts at 830 - 530. Have to wake up early again.....

One of the jobs I applied for required me to work from 1130 pm - 8 am at Changi. Yup, work while everyone is in dreamland. Just applied so that I know how it feels like to work at night.

Hope history will not repeat itself; beginning of the year I applied for a job in my school's bookshop, and they said they'd call me as to when I could start. But then, by Feb, still no reply from them, by then, school was about to start, so...

Then in the evening went to Vivocity to look see. place was so big, couldn't finish 'seeing' all the stuff they have there.

And now, nothing to do, so maybe I'll sleep early, tomorrow... .... is just gonna be another BORING day.

I'm all dressed up and nowhere to go.

Monday, November 5, 2007

counting down



bye bye SRJC

Yay! am finally officially out of SRJC, just came back from school to pay my outstanding school fees. and kissed the place goodbye. whew, dont ever want to go back there again.

yesterday went to courts and Ikea after church, and so many ppl mistook me for the staff there, just because I was wearing white. .... .... .....

and saw a damn chic camera at Courts, the Canon IXUX i Zoom. so small!!! and takes pretty decent pics too. still, am attracted to the looks rather than the functions.

So. applying for jobs now, dunno whether they want me or not, anyway, hope to start ASAP, prob like next week??? want to enjoy just this week first, slack at home, go out buy some stuff, or just watch all the DVDs at home.

6 month holiday!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

who is hu?

just saw this video on ys blog. laugh until peng.

Alive and kicking

Yeah! My laptop's back. Thanks to Sit for helping me repair my laptop, thats why no blogging over the last few days. And lots of things happened during this week. So this blog post is gonna be a long one.

On the 30, wednesday was PW oral presentation, whew, its finally over. My group was the first to present, and good thing it was, now i can enjoy my holiday, unlike other class who still have to rehearse. Stuttered abit but overall, my group was OWNING!!!! SR 108! Rock on!!! Love my PW group mates. : ) Gonna miss you all when I'm gone.

Then on Thursday went to funan to buy some stuff, wanted to buy the Logitech mouse, but then also wanted to buy the wireless mouse, but then again the wireless mouse, batt may go flat anytime, so going for the Logitech mouse, very cute! the design. Then also gonna buy some DVDs to see me throughout the 6 month hibernation period; like Die Hard 4.0, Transformers, Dead Silience, Blades Of Glory, Spiderman 3, Innocent Footsteps (dunno where to get), and also got others, many many more. Then later in the evening went for a wake service, that one not much to talk about.

Today went to school to pay my outstanding fees. $52. But I heard as $42. So i forgot to bring the extra $10. So... Monday got to go to school AGAIN to pay. When will my last day in SR be?????

And Monday I'm going to Esplanade for some chior thingy, heard the ppl only come like once a year? but also I have some plans for that day, so dont know whether I can make it or not.

I still have some TYS A lvl books that I havent used yet (maybe thats why I failed). So if any of you want them can just tell me. FOC. I'll do anything to get rid of them.

And I also found a job! but havent applied yet. Its some data entry job at a back. $7/hr. Have to do data entry, filling, photocopying and all the manual job. Hey! I'm only 17, no child labour please!

Gonna miss my PW group mates and class 1S15.

gonna miss all my tutors, even my chinese tutor.
miss my PW mates
  • Zi Jun for doing most of the work
  • Shane for all your sickness and crap
  • Siti for also doing most of the work
  • and SanCIF for his blurryness

Miss my class 1S15 also, too many names to name, but still, gonna miss all of you. work hard ya.

And also not forgetting my shooting mates, train hard, but dont neglect your studies also okie? Bring back the gold! again!